About Son of Man

Monday, November 06, 2006

Relentless Grace

Derek Webb - I want a broken heart

i’ve traded naked and unashamed
for a better place to hide
for a righteous mask, a suit of fig leaves and lies

chorus 1
i thought the cattle on a thousand hills
was not enough to pay my bills
and i fell in love with those who proved me wrong
and now i want a broken heart

These words have meant a lot to me. I love that it is a confession but one that in each line reminds you of God's beautiful and faithful promises.

This song reminds me that I stand naked and unashamed before God because the blame for my sin was at the cross. Ephesians 1:4 says that I stand before him holy and blameless because of the imputed righteousness of Jesus. Why would we ever hide from him? A great Blindside song says, All of us are searching for an open arm/well, it's a shame how I curl up in the dark.

He leads us beside quiet waters (Psalm 23:2). Even when we're in the valley of the shadow there is no darkness (Psalm 23:4) because he is with us; in him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

My grandfather used to regularly say, "my father owns the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10). Chris Tomlin also reminds us that his grace "is enough" (Luke 12:24, Isaiah 40:11).

Isn't God's word relentless?


Blogger Barbara, said...

hmmm... I've been reminded of that myself lately... Psalm 139:7-12. Even when we feel like we are lost in the darkness, all our circumstances are bright as day to him.

well posted JR.


9:01 PM  
Blogger Jesskah said...

Joshua, you write like a well-researched paper or journal article and I appreciate that. I appreciate your follow-through.

Also, I encourage you to preach. I dare you to come to Guelph one Thursday and initiate evangelism downtown with us. :)

11:23 AM  

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